For periods from January 1 to December 31, 2021 and 2020
Unit: NTD thousand, except for earnings per share, which is in NTD
2022 2021
Operating revenues (Note 4)
Written premiums (Notes 31 and 38) $7,904,950 $7,458,400
Reinsurance premiums (Note 38) 429,483 410,919
Premium revenues 8,334,433 7,869,319
Less: Reinsurance expenses (Note 38) (1,949,219) (1,795,111)
Less: Net change in unearned premium reserve (107,584) (178,244)
Retained earned premiums (Note 38) 6,277,630 5,895,964
Reinsurance commissions received (Note 38) 301,006 293,692
Service fee 24,200 24,566
Net investment gains
Interest income (Note 25) 88,902 71,957
Gains on financial assets or liabilities at fair value through profit and loss (22,794) 99,207
Realized gains/losses on financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (Note 8(1)) 124,802 120,440
Gain (loss) on exchange (Note 25) 74,048 (18,833)
Gains (losses) on investment property (Note 25) 53,256 52,144
Expected credit impairment loss and reversal gain on investment (3,910) (2,373)
Total net investment gains 314,304 322,542
Other operating revenues 14,113
Other operating revenues - Others 1,628 3,154
Total operating revenues 6,932,881 6,539,918
Operating Cost
Retained claims and benefits (Notes 31 and 38)
Insurance claim and benefit payments 4,009,053 3,994,404
Less: Claims recovered from reinsurers (820,578) (933,702)
Total retained claims and benefits paid 3,188,475 3,060,702
Net change in other liabilities (Note 38)
Net change in claim reserves $244,033 $108,378
Net change in special claim reserves 76,213 53,991
Net change in premium deficiency reserves 430 (6,125)
Total net change in other liabilities 320,676 156,244
Commission expenses (Note 38) 1,099,267 1,046,478
Service charges (Note 38) 129,912 133,317
Other operating costs
Contribution to insurance stabilization fund (Note 38) 15,095 14,298
Interest expenses 18 35
Loss on exchange - non-investment (Note 25) - 6,821
Other operating costs - Others 4 50
Total other operating costs 15,117 21,204
Total operating costs 4,753,447 4,417,945
Gross profit 2,179,434 2,121,973
Operating expenses (Notes 25 and 31)
Selling expenses 1,396,779 1,376,093
Administrative expenses 105,348 96,869
Staff training expenses 2,135 2,687
Total operating expenses 1,504,262 1,475,649
Operating profit 675,172 646,324
Non-operating income and expenses
Asset retirement loss (142) (861)
Recovery of bad and overdue debts 46 36
Sundry income 3 119
Sundry expenses (Note 16) (145) (143)
Total non-operating income and expenses (238) (849)
Pre-tax profit from continuing operations 674,934 645,475
Income tax expenses (Notes 4 and 26) 116,087 92,338
Current net income 558,847 553,137
Other comprehensive income (Note 24)
Items not reclassified into profit and loss
Remeasurement of defined benefit plan (Notes 4 and 22) ($59,642) ($5,140)
Amount Amount
Income tax on items not reclassified into profit and loss (Note 26) (11,929) 1,028
Gains/losses on valuation of equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income 106,553 125,616
Total items not reclassified into profit and loss 154,266 121,504
Items likely to be reclassified into profit and loss
Gains/losses on debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income (57,589) (59,900)
Other comprehensive income - current (net, after tax) 96,677 61,604
Total comprehensive income - current $655,524 $614,741
Earnings per share (Note 27)
Basic $1.86 $1.84
Diluted $1.85 $1.84